Tuesday, November 17, 2020

An Explanation of Top-Track Storage Systems

Many people who are interested in opening a new business are concerned about storage space driving up their overhead. With a lot of new businesses having to stick to a strict operating budget, it’s understandable why entrepreneurs often want to limit the amount of storage space they maintain.

Even established businesses often struggle when it comes to storage space. If you expand your product line or your existing product line experiences a surge in demand, you may need more storage space. But, what do you do if you’ve already maxed out the physical space available at your current location?

You invest in a smarter, more efficient storage solution. That’s what you do if you want to minimize the amount of space you need for storage or you need to create additional storage space where none currently exists.

Super Erecta Top-Track - Single Deep

Increase Your Storage Capacity by 30 – 50 Percent

The Top-Track High-Density Storage System can increase your storage capacity by 30 – 50 percent. This storage system is able to do that because it enables more storage units to fit in a given space.

The Top-Track High-Density Storage System eliminates dead space by providing access to a moveable, open aisle. The Top-Track solution has an overhead track system which makes it possible for you to open an aisle between any two storage units whenever one is necessary. With the track system positioned above the storage units, employees and individuals using utility carts have easy access to the products and equipment they need at all times.

ADA compliance is a big concern for many business owners and managers. If this is a concern for you, you’ll be happy to learn that the Top-Track High-Density Storage System is ADA compliant.

MetroMax i Top Track


Just as they’re concerned about being ADA compliant, a lot of business owners worry about a new storage system being compatible with their existing storage solutions. The Top-Track High-Density Storage System is compatible with many other popular storage solutions.

Here are Metro’s polymer and wire or solid shelving systems that the Top-Track High-Density Storage System is compatible with:

MetroMax i

MetroMax Q

Super Erecta Pro

Super Adjustable

Super Erecta

Top-Track System - Plan View

Weight Capacity

The Top-Track High-Density Storage System doesn’t have floor tracks which may impede movement around your floor. Tracks are attached to the support rails on every stationary end unit and above the mobile storage units that are included in your system. While the system can handle floors that aren’t perfectly even, the Top-Track High-Density Storage System shouldn’t be installed in spaces that have large cracks in the floor or raised impediments.

Both mobile and stationary storage units can accommodate a laudable amount of evenly distributed weight. Mobile units can stow up to 900 pounds. Stationary storage units can accommodate up to 2,000 pounds of weight.

MetroMax Q Top-Track

For more information, please visit our website or contact our Products Specialists for specification assistance, special configurations and/or quotation requests.

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